old treasures,
new love.

celebrate your treasures

Old Treasures New Love is the core of who we are! We love taking your vintage and pre-loved pieces and giving them a new life.

we specialize in reworking your vintage jewellery

Whether it's a string of your grandma's pearls, your dad's class ring, an earring you lost the match to, or a stone you found on an adventure, we love getting creative with you to turn your sentimental pieces into new jewellery you can wear for years to come. Learn more about our process here!

your keepsake deserves some new life

A little love here, a new chain there - inside of everyone's jewellery box is a vintage treasure waiting for new love.

let's talk treasures

Book a free consultation with our expert jewellery dreamers! We will work together to re-create your old treasure into a new masterpiece.

Thank you to your overwhelming interest & support so far this season. We're gearing up to take on your custom made-to-order projects starting August 2024!
In the mean time, join our CLICK HERE to join our Custom Project Waitlist for June & July, or if urgent, give us a call and we'll see what we can do!

You can book your initial appointment below, either in person at our Prince Edward County location, or virtual via Zoom.


Book your initial *in-person* consultation!

Book your initial *virtual* consultation!