ways to wear your vibe
Whether it's for yourself or a gift to a loved one, whether you want to inspire, motivate, or energize - Explore all the ways we can help you translate this vibe into a meaningful and unique piece of jewellery!
Discover all the gorgeous gemstones related to courage, strength, and confidence!

Garnet comes in many colours but is most famous for deep red. This stone will encourage and motivate you to seize the moment, pursue your passions and chase the things that make you most happy.

Aquamarine was once believed to be the treasure of mermaids, with the calming and soothing energy of water. This stone will bring you courage and allow you to let go of internal anger for positive outward change.

Perfect if you need a serious energy boost in all the ways! This stone will motivate you to overcome any hesitation. Conquer a new task, relationship or creative venture. Whatever you need, this beauty will dispel your apathy and push you towards success.

This gorgeous red stone will open your heart in the most profound of ways. The ruby embodies passionate energy for others, but also for the self, giving you a new sense of personal potential and power.

The stone of leadership. Tigers eye lessens fear and provides motivation. With its distinct stripe pattern and warm orange hue you can full emobody the ferocity of a tiger!
Add extra sentiment and communicate your intention clearly by stamping or engraving your piece. Almost any piece we make can be customized with a personal message!
What meaning, intention or overall vibe do your want your jewellery to convey? Take our quick quiz to check your vibe!