Community Love | Cheryl of PleaseNotes

a quick Q&A with cheryl sutherland
Cheryl Sutherland - Manifestation Coach and Founder of PleaseNotes Goods.
We’re back at it with another addition to our new regular Community Love initiative! This week we are thrilled to be introducing you to Cheryl Sutherland of @pleasenotesgoods! Cheryl is an inspiring entrepreneur and true expert when it comes to women’s empowerment. She created PleaseNotes, a for-purpose company of amazing products like intention-setting journals, affirmation cards, not to mention workshops and live coaching that will inspire women to step into their own power by building confidence, clarity and creativity. We absolutely love Cheryl’s inspiring energy and highly recommend both her beautiful stationery AND life-coaching workshops to help you get the most out of your own fabulous self!
describe yourself and what you do.
Cheryl: Hiya! My name is Cheryl and I'm in love with manifestation, affirmations, and the law of attraction. It just made sense for me to create a company to help other people learn how to make their success easy through time-tested manifestation. PleaseNotes is a line of affirmation-filled goods and workshops created to help you boost your confidence and become your favorite version of you.
what inspires you, drives you and gets you out of bed in the morning?
Cheryl: I love surprises, and every day is always jam-packed with new ones, if you keep an eye out for them! I really love learning about and helping people, so much so all of my career moves have been in fields where I get to ask people questions and find solutions that work for them!

what’s an important lesson you’ve learned that you want to share with the world?
Cheryl: Asking for what you want is a good thing. You don't need to feel shaky, that you should compromise, or that you're being too much. When you are very clear about what you want and you feel you deserve it, the Universe delivers it to you with a swiftness.
how does representation in your community make a difference?
Cheryl: Within the personal growth community, Black leaders are underrepresented at summits, workshops, and the like. It's important that Women of Color are put on bigger stages as they bring different answers to solutions because of the lens that we live life through. Communities of Color used to carry a very heavy dislike, distrust, and stigma around working with a therapist. As we have more melanated people working in the space, we are able to be ourselves, and most importantly, safe to be vulnerable in these places. In addition, being able to see more people that look like you excelling in life also helps you realize that you can have more then what the people before you have had, and it's okay to ask for more.
what does the idea of “Universal Love” mean to you?
Cheryl: I feel like we are all attached and connected through love. Accepting and acknowledging that makes it easier for us to work together and build as a collective instead of seeing ourselves as individuals.
if there was one other person, business or group you want to celebrate, who would it be?
Cheryl: I honestly would like to celebrate myself. I've been through a lot over the course of my life and there are multiple moments that I could have given up, retreated, or broken down. I feel like for myself, it's really easy to see, acknowledge and lift up other people, but difficult for me to praise myself. So with that, I'm choosing to celebrate me, love me, cherish me, praise me, and give me my flowers instead of hoping someone else will, because I so deserve it.
Check out PleaseNotes HERE and make sure to follow them on IG @pleasenotesgoods!

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